The following table compares cow’s milk and human breast milk. Notice that in addition to containing more protein, the cow’s milk is made up of a large amount of wrong protein. Comparared with human milk, it also has way too much phosphorous, which binds with the calcium, making it impossible to utilize the calcium properly. And we know that phosphorous in this excessive amounts is irritating to the brain and nervous system. That’s why babies given cow’s milk often cry not long after feeding.

MILK (Per 100 grams whole milk)  COMPONENT COW HUMAN MOTHER

Protein:                       3.5 g                                                  1.1 g
Fat:                               3.5 g                                                 4.0 g
Carbohydrate:           4.9 g                                                  9.5 g
Calcium:                      118 mg                                             33 mg
Phosphorous:             93 mg                                              4 mg
Vitamin C:                   1 mg                                                 5 mg

Through her breast milk, the mother also offers the baby her individualized immune protection. When I was a little boy, our neighbor kept a few cows. In the evenings, I would go to the barn with a pal and visit and get milk from my favorite cow. This cow was living in the same surroundings we did; she ate pure grass in summer and locally cut hay in the winter, both of which had no chemicals or fertilizers. Today, commercial cow’s milk is blended at the factory from many anamials from diffrent herds. Consequently, the baby who drinks this milk is receiving immunological information from an average of 30,000 animals, which today are housed in a totally unnatural life situation. Unless from an isolated organtic herd, cow’s milk confers immunological confusion as well. Imagine a baby’s immature, not-yet-developed immune system being confronted with the DNA from thousands of cows!


About drbdc

image Dr. Brian Feilteau ("Dr. B") has been a practicing chiropractor for the past 18 years and has built his practice solely on the referrals of his patients. He is a graduate of the Palmer College of Chiropractic, Davenport, Iowa. Specializing in a variety of traditionally "hard to treat" conditions such as fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue and thyroid conditions, he firmly believes that many health problems can be treated through nutrition, supplementation and chiropractic adjustments. From organic food to supplements to an overall healthy life-style, Dr. B walks his talk.
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